A.K.A Excess Alcohol
Have you been Charged with an offence of Excess Alcohol?
If you have been charged with driving a motor vehicle with alcohol over the prescribed limit, you are advised to seek expert legal advice and representation at Court.
The offence carries a mandatory period of disqualification of 12 months.
The offence can attract a 6 month custodial sentence
Depending on your reading you could face a community order
You will face a longer period of disqualification if you have a relevant conviction within the last 10 years.
It is a further offence to drive or be in charge of any motor vehicle whilst you are disqualified for which you could be sent to prison.
The drink drive rehabilitation course can reduce your period of disqualification
Why instruct a Solicitor to represent you?
Often appearing in Court is a daunting prospect for members of the public. The thought of speaking in a public Court room in front of legal professions such as District Judges, Magistrates and lawyers can be scary, and many people ‘don’t know what to say’.
Andersons Solicitors have experienced court advocates who regularly represent defendants at Court for motoring offences. We can assist you in preparing your case strategy, present your case, and put forward the best mitigation on your behalf with a view to reducing your period of disqualification.
Our experts are familiar with the Magistrates Courts Sentencing Guidelines and the aggravating/mitigating features that are taken into account when the Court is considering the length of sentence to impose.
Contact us today for a consultation.
Reduce disqualification by completing a course
Mandatory 12 months disqualification
Can carry a 6 month custodial sentence